Snow Princess filled us in on a little secret about her sister The Ice Queen; sometimes the cold really does bother her sister anyway and she knows how important a warm jacket can be. The Snow sisters love to spend time out in the snow with their snowman friend, but also acknowledge the importance of making sure to wear the proper clothing to stay warm in cold weather. We simply can’t imagine living through a freezing cold winter without a home and a warm jacket.
We would like to help our community members in need! The Snow sisters want to encourage you, your friends, family, and peers within your community to come together for a coat drive for the homeless for the month of February! We encourage you to include your coats but also homemade scarfs, hats, and gloves too! Adding your personal touch filled with kindness and love will go such a long way and make a huge impact on the homeless living in Southern California.
Items Needed for This Month’s Campaign
- 1 Large Cardboard Box
- Markers of Various Colors
- 1 Poster Board
- Package Tape or Glue
- Fleece in Various Patterns
- A Pair of Fabric Scissors
- Painters Tape
How to Do This Month’s Campaign
Using your markers, write on your piece of poster board “Coat Collection for Homeless!” or whatever you would like to write to grab people’s attention! Be sure to include the date you will be picking up your box on your poster. Tape or glue your poster to your large cardboard box. Ask your school, place where you attend an activity, or local community center if you can place your coat collection box in a location where lots of people will see it! On your pick up date, take your box of coats to a local homeless shelter where they can distribute them.
To make fleece scarfs: pick out your fleece from a fabric store and use your fabric scissors to cut the edges of your fleece (with adult help or supervision depending on age). YouTube has some great tutorials for making no-sew fleece scarfs! Please use the internet with adult permission or supervision.
To make fleece hats: pick out your fleece from a fabric store and use your fabric scissors to cut the edges of your fleece (with adult help or supervision depending on age). YouTube has some great tutorials for making no-sew fleece hats! Please use the internet with adult permission or supervision.
Deliver your fleece scarfs and hats with your coats to a homeless shelter!
Tag us on Instagram @ever_after_princess telling The Snow Sisters why you think it is important to take care of others!